We love what we do. And that is precisely how we go about our sports series: mannequins that present your merchandise in captivating dynamic poses, made possible thanks to the latest in state-of-the-art technology. Models are scanned quickly, flexibly, and in motion, creating the basis for realistic figures.

Using 3D printing technology with Circular rPP, an easily recyclable 3D printing material developed in-house, and applying our digital approach with its extremely short development cycles, we can quickly bring all facets of your brand identity into stores in a wide variety and in the best quality.


These assets make Vertex the ideal partner for realizing compelling campaigns quickly, tailored to the specific occasion. We can create realistic 3D images of famous athletes and brand ambassadors, delivered to your store on time for any sporting event – for campaigns that truly inspire.

The world of Vertex Mannequins. Do you like our sports collection? Request the complete overview here.